Welcome Transforming Life Centre (TLC) Halifax
Our Story
Transforming Life Centre (TLC) is the Halifax Campus of Transforming Life Centre International (TLCI), a non-denominational church headquartered in Ottawa, a non-denominational church headquartered in Ottawa, Canada (tlcottawa.org) under the dynamic leadership of our General Overseers, Dr. Ralph Dartey and Pastor Regina Dartey.
About Us
​Transforming Life Centre International (TLCI), a non-denominational church with a global mandate to “Transform Lives and Raise Leaders” was birthed by an act of faith in June 2011, inside Dr. Ralph Dartey’s home with only twenty-nine members. After years of nurturing the call and pouring out the anointing, Dr. Ralph and his life partner, Pastor Regina Dartey have devoted themselves to the growth of the ministry’s ultimate vision across Canada, and the world at large, with a congregation of over 1,800 in the Ottawa assembly.
Since 2011, they have successfully planted twenty-five branches across Canada, and worldwide. There are over thirty ministries in active participation under their leadership – ranging from a strong millennial and youth team, to adults, intercessory prayer, children and various other trans-generational ministries
Our Vision
“Transforming lives and raising leaders”
What We Believe
One God in the Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19; Luke 3:21-22
The inspiration of the whole Bible as God’s infallible revelation to humanity.
2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21
Salvation by faith in Christ alone, without works, solely by grace.
Ephesians 2:8-9; Hebrews 9:12; Romans 5:11
Obedience to our Lord’s command to lead people of TLC to faith and maturity in Him
Ephesians 4:11-13
The necessity of water baptism in order to fulfill the command of Christ
Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:36-39, 19:1-6
The need to live a life that expresses gratitude to God and demonstrates His transforming power through the enablement of the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:1-4, Philippians 4:4-8
The one true Church, the body of Christ, consisting of all believers regardless of race or social standing
Galatians 3:28-29
Our Core Values
God’s Word
The ministry of the Holy Spirit
Praise and Worship
The call to make disciples of all nations
Dreaming big and serving God with excellence
Our community